Clothing and Armor
So you have a ticket and you want to equip your character!
We can direct you both to great rental and purchase options! If you have not already looked at your role's Kit Requirements, do so to know how to properly equip your character! You can find more general information on our Costume Guidelines page.
- For Kit, Weapon and Tent rentals. Visit the Weekend Warrior site to see the selection of rentals available for War of the Barons!
- The premier source for Medieval Clothing and Chainmail is Fell & Fair. Check out the War of the Barons collection! Every item is pre-approved for the event (character permitting).
- For weapon purchase, we recommend Calimacil and Epic Armoury
- For helmets, we recommend Epic Armoury and Kult of Athena
See a list of recommended items on our Costume Guidelines page