Combatant Costume Requirements


As a Baron, you represent the warrior elite of 13th century England. Your attire should reflect your status, wealth, and combat prowess. You both fight on the front lines as well as serve as the strategic mind behind the battles. Your attire should command respect and authority. For an example of a baron's kit, check out this VIDEO

Mandatory Kit Items:

1. Surcoat: A surcoat that bears your sigil.

2. Chainmail: A chainmail hauberk should be long sleeved and extend to the knees. Steel or riveted aluminum are both acceptable.

3. Medieval Footwear: Leather boots or period-appropriate shoes. F&F Medieval Ranger Boots are allowed.

4. Headgear: An appropriate 13th century helmet with an arming cap if needed.

5. Shield: A 13th century style kite or heater shield with your sigil painted on it.  The shield must also have the triangles painted in each corner designating you as a player with a bonus hitpoint and ransom notes.

6. Tunic, Pants, Belt: The basics. Linen, wool, silk or textured cotton is allowed. 

7. Weapon: The sword is the traditional noble’s weapon.  

Optional Kit Items:

1. Pouches: Period-appropriate pouches or bags.

2. Jewelry: Signet rings, brooches, and other pieces that indicate wealth and status.

3. Additional Weaponry: Daggers, maces, spears, and battle axes.

4. Gloves: Leather gloves suitable for the period.

5. Gambeson: A period-appropriate padded gambeson can be worn under chainmail or by itself. 

6. Chainmail Chausses or Coif. If you want to be completely covered in chainmail, you can be! 

7. Cloak/Cape: Great for staying warm in camp at night. 

Notes & Recommendations:  

- While the event is rooted in historical fiction, we encourage participants to draw inspiration from movies like Kingdom of Heaven and Robin Hood (2010) for their attire. There is no need for 100% authenticity. Go for 80%, and think of it as costuming for one of the aforementioned films.

- Quality and authenticity are key. Avoid modern materials and visible zippers.

- Color Aesthetic: See the color selection used at for our linen garments. These same dark tones will be used. Avoid neon and other obviously modern color palettes. 

- Please note that for combatant players, the costume requirements are the same for both male and female characters.


Knights are the armored backbone of the medieval army, champions of chivalry, and symbols of martial prowess. Your attire should reflect your role as a warrior, protector of the realm, and a figure of respect on the battlefield. For an example of a knight's kit, check out this VIDEO

Mandatory Kit Items:

1. Surcoat: A surcoat that bears the sigil of your baron. 

2. Chainmail: A chainmail hauberk should be long sleeved and extend to the knees. Steel or riveted aluminum are both acceptable.

3. Medieval Footwear: Leather boots or period-appropriate shoes. F&F Medieval Ranger Boots are allowed.

4. Headgear: A period appropriate helmet with an arming cap if needed.

5. Shield: A 13th century style kite or heater shield with the sigil of your baron painted on it.  The shield must also have the triangles painted in each corner designating you as a player with a bonus hitpoint and ransom notes.

6. Tunic, Pants, Belt: The basics. Linen, wool, silk or textured cotton is allowed. 

7. Weapon: The sword is the traditional knight’s weapon.  

Optional Kit Items:

1. Pouches: Period-appropriate pouches or bags.

2. Additional Weaponry: Daggers, maces, spears, and battle axes.

3. Gloves: Leather gloves suitable for the period.

4. Gambeson: A period-appropriate padded gambeson can be worn under chainmail or by itself. 

5. Chainmail Chausses or Coif: If you want to be completely covered in chainmail, you can be! 

6. Cloak/Cape: Great for staying warm in camp at night. 

7. Hood: A linen or wool hood. 

Notes & Recommendations:  

- While the event is rooted in historical fiction, we encourage participants to draw inspiration from movies like Kingdom of Heaven and Robin Hood (2010) for their attire. There is no need for 100% authenticity. Go for 80%, and think of it as costuming for one of the aforementioned films.

- Quality and authenticity are key. Avoid modern materials and visible zippers.

- Color Aesthetic: See the color selection used at for our linen garments. These same dark tones will be used. Avoid neon and other obviously modern color palettes. 

- Please note that for combatant players, the costume requirements are the same for both male and female characters.  


Men-at-arms are the versatile foot soldiers of the medieval army, skilled in melee combat. Your attire should embody the role of a professional soldier, ready to serve their lord in battle and in the garrison. For an example of a man-at-arm's kit, check out this VIDEO.

Mandatory Kit Items:

1. Basic Armor: A padded gambeson or chainmail hauberk (optional but recommended for those portraying more experienced men-at-arms.)

2. Surcoat: Surcoat or tabard to go over your armor in the color(s) of your baron (you may add your baron’s sigil, but it is not required).

3. Helmet: A simple medieval helm, such as a kettle hat or nasal helm.

4. Medieval Footwear: Leather boots or period-appropriate shoes. F&F Medieval Ranger Boots are allowed.

5. Tunic, Pants, Belt: The basics. Linen, wool, silk or textured cotton is allowed. 

6. Weaponry: A choice of a spear, sword and shield, axe, or mace. 

Optional Kit Items:

1. Pouches: Period-appropriate pouches or bags.

2. Additional Weaponry: Daggers, maces, spears, and battle axes.

3. Gloves: Leather gloves suitable for the period.

4. Cloak/Cape: Great for staying warm in camp at night. 

5. Shield: A 13th century style kite or heater shield painted with your baron’s colors.  

Notes & Recommendations:  

- Men-at-arms often had diverse roles on the battlefield, so there’s flexibility in how you can portray your character.

- While some men-at-arms might have access to better equipment due to service or looting, remember that many would have simpler gear compared to knights.

- While the event is rooted in historical fiction, we encourage participants to draw inspiration from movies like Kingdom of Heaven and Robin Hood (2010) for their attire. There is no need for 100% authenticity. Go for 80%, and think of it as costuming for one of the aforementioned films.

- Quality and authenticity are key. Avoid modern materials and visible zippers.

- Color Aesthetic: See the color selection used at for our linen garments. These same dark tones will be used. Avoid neon and other obviously modern color palettes. 

- Please note that for combatant players, the costume requirements are the same for both male and female characters.


Archers play a pivotal role on the medieval English battlefield, providing ranged support and harassing enemy formations. Your attire should reflect the practical needs of a skilled bowman, ready to loose arrows upon command and defend themselves in close combat. For an example of an archer's kit, check out this VIDEO.

Mandatory Kit Items:

1. Surcoat: Surcoat or tabard to go over your armor in the color(s) of your baron (you may add your baron’s sigil, but it is not required).

2. Medieval Footwear: Leather boots or period-appropriate shoes. F&F Medieval Ranger Boots are allowed.

3. Tunic, Pants, Belt: The basics. Linen, wool, silk or textured cotton is allowed. 

4. Bow: An English-style medieval longbow (no recurve/horsebows) 35# @28” or less.

5. Quiver or Arrow bag: A quiver or arrow bag capable of carrying arrows (we recommend 5-10). Quivers/arrow bags should be worn at the waist with either a waist or shoulder strap. 

Optional Kit Items

1. Archery Bracer: A leather bracer to aid in shooting. (This does not count as armor.) 

2. Basic Armor: A padded gambeson or chainmail shirt.

3. Pouches: Period-appropriate pouches or bags.

4. Additional Weaponry: Daggers, maces, spears, and battle axes.

5. Gloves: Leather gloves suitable for the period.

6. Cloak/Cape: Great for staying warm in camp at night. 

7. Helmet: A simple medieval helm, such as a kettle hat or nasal helm.

Notes & Recommendations:

- Archers often operated as part of larger units, so consider coordinating colors or symbols with fellow archers for a unified look.

- While archers were often yeoman and thus common soldiers, they played a crucial role in many battles, and they knew it! Embrace the spirit of the archer in both your attire and demeanor.

- While the event is rooted in historical fiction, we encourage participants to draw inspiration from movies like Kingdom of Heaven and Robin Hood (2010) for their attire. There is no need for 100% authenticity. Go for 80%, and think of it as costuming for one of the aforementioned films.

- Quality and authenticity are key. Avoid modern materials and visible zippers.

- Color Aesthetic: See the color selection used at for our linen garments. These same dark tones will be used. Avoid neon and other obviously modern color palettes. 

- Please note that for combatant players, the costume requirements are the same for both male and female characters.

Baron Kit Heraldry

  • Knight/Baron

  • Man-at-Arms

  • Archer

  • Knight/Baron

  • Man-at-Arms

  • Archer

  • Knight/Baron

  • Man-at-Arms

  • Archer

  • Knight/Baron

  • Man-at-Arms

  • Archer

  • Knight/Baron

  • Man-at-Arms

  • Archer

  • Knight/Baron

  • Man-at-Arms

  • Archer

  • Knight/Baron

  • Man-at-Arms

  • Archer