2025 Rules Updates
Going into our second year of the event we are altering and adding a few rules based on our experience at the first event, player feedback and to add new gameplay elements!

New Baron and Knight Hitpoint Rule
Our experience from last year showed us that there needed to be more distinction between knights and well armored men-at-arms. So we have added some bonuses for barons and knights to make them more valuable to their own army and to their enemies!
Knight/Baron Hitpoint Rule
In order to represent the superior training, knights and barons have an additional base hitpoint and their hitpoints limit increases from 5 to 6. Barons and Knights can be distinguished by the triangles added as decoration in the corners of their shields. See examples below.
The Cost of Nobility
When a knight or Baron is killed in battle the warrior who slew them may demand a ransom note. The knight or Baron must produce a ransom note and give it to the warrior who demanded it.. The ransom note may be returned to the church in times of truce and the appropriate amount of red pennies will be credited to the side that delivered it.
Please note, while the note is being produced by the knight or Baron, the warrior demanding the note may be killed or driven off as they are still subject to attack by the barons' allies. For situations where Baron is killed with troops around them or in a shield wall, it is not appropriate to demand a ransom note. This should only be delivered if the baron is alone with no other surviving players in his immediate vicinity and the Victorious side has the leisure to demand it.
When a knight or baron has given away all of their ransom notes, they lose their bonus base hitpoint.
Barons and Knights can be distinguished by the triangles added as decoration in the corners of their shields.

Baron with Shield Markings
You can see here a baron with the shield markings letting other players know ransom can be demanded of him!

Shields with different colors
This is how a parti colored shield can be marked for a knight or baron